Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Few Quotations I like

"Life is not the number of breaths you take, but those moments which take your breath away".

This is the a statement which Will Smith says in the opening of the movie "Hitch". Its been some time since I have seen this movie but this statement has been etched ever since. Its amazing how 28 years have just went pass and then when I recollect my life most of the moments which I recollect are the those which did take my breath away.

"You do not love people because they are beautiful, they seem beautiful to you because you love them"

How true is this statement !! I came across this in my 4th grade English reading. It talked about a story where a small girl gets lost and then the villagers ask her "Who is your mom ?". She replies by saying "My mom is the most beautiful woman in the world". For that the villagers call upon all the beautiful women in the village but her mother is not found. Eventually they do find her mother but she by appearance was not beautiful but to the little girl her mother was the most beautiful woman in the world and thats what the above quotation signifies.

"We can be dragged along by change, or we can be the change"

This I read very recently in one of my fellow blogger Taqdeer's Blog. And it really made me think. Today I feel, I am moving in the direction which is laid by others and there are times when I wish the system would be different, but I sit back and wait for some one to come and change the system, rather than doing that myself. So as of today I feel "I am dragged along by change" but I hope and I am sure some day I will gather courage to be the change.

"Its better to try and fail, rather than not trying due to fear of failure"

I do not know if I have eactly reproduced the statement as I had read it but I have just put it across in the form I remember it. This is very much linked to the above quotation. There are so many things I want to do and I am sure some day I will make an attempt at those, so that down the line when I sit back I will be content that I gave it a shot rather than feeling sorry that I did not do something that I wished all my life.

Well those are some of the quotations I like. If you folks come across and read this post do put in your favourite quotes and the reason why you remember them. I am sure there will be always something new that will stir the soul in me.


surjit singh said...

A nice blog.Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a nice post!

And the line you quoted, may we all be a little part of the big change - together :)

Beautiful :)

Sajid Azmi said...


Thanks for stopping by and commenting


Aameen !! May the big change lead to peace and faith in the Almighty and ways prescribed by the Almighty.

Anonymous said...


I have been TAG'd, and as the rules have it, I have to TAG other people.. to pass on a TAG, you are now TAG'd
to reveal 8 things about yourself people didn't know :)

Sam said...

All the quotations you quoted are so true! One word for this blog-Beautiful :)

Anonymous said...

great quotations!