Monday, June 18, 2007

The Google effect

I read this article on MSNBC which talked about Yahoo CEO Semel stepping down and I thought for a moment what Google effect is doing to big corporations. Lets see who gets the axe next as a part of this effect.


Anonymous said...

It is interesting indeed how the internet has changed business, and continue to do so.

Google has indeed become a force.

..for as long as people make it one :)

Rajesh Kumar said...

I am not sure this is Google effect. Yahoo's service bouquet has been very broad from the beginning(and ever growing) and perhaps not all services have been making money. Unlike Google, Yahoo is not dependent on one single service to make money(search). Perhaps some rationalization is needed. My views...

Unknown said...
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Sajid Azmi said...

Hi Amisha,

I have corrected the problem. Please let me know if the issue persists.

Sajid :)

Amisha said...


yea, got it now.thanks for the fix!!
That is a good one.
Should say you have a watchful eye on whats happening around.
But I dont feel its entirely the google effect! is one of the oldest services ever...may be other factors too,like pouring in of other competitive search enignes that other service providers offer.

Good one though!